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Build a modular deck

Natasha Dickins


A new low-level deck has become a blank canvas for outdoor living. Here’s how I built, sealed and transformed it into the most-used room in the house… 

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No amount of paint or scrubbing could get this space feeling fresh. The uneven red paving was installed over a sandy base and was very hot in summer. The paved area also finishes next to the house, leaving a gap that shows the cobwebs and dirt that can gather there. Even the corrugated section of roof was deteriorating and leaky.

The modular decking system meant I could install it quickly and completely DIY, without having to dig holes or mess around with concrete
— Natasha
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I’m totally chuffed that building a deck resulted in such a nice space, and it ended up on the cover of Bunnings magazine!

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I wanted to install a low structure totally DIY, keeping the process simple and the materials fairly lightweight as I was working on my own and needed to get it installed quickly in the summer heat. 

Good Times modular decking ticked all the boxes. The simple system of flat-packed frames just over a metre square has pre-assembled panels that simply drop over the top. I chose treated pine over hardwood decking such as blackbutt or merbau as it’s lighter to move around and easier to work with.

I finished off using fascia (also called barge board). I mitred the corners and sealed them with construction adhesive.⁠
Because the pink-primed boards are made for roofing I could pick up a 7.2m length to span the entire deck. I also like the look of the curved base that helps with water runoff.⁠ See how it’s installed here.

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Then I installed a new Polar Eco-View sliding door with double glazing that blocks out the summer heat so well and looks a million bucks.

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I also replaced the screens in the windows overlooking the deck, making the new white frames from scratch and adding stainless steel mesh. A simple but refreshing upgrade!

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Follow my DIY journey on Instagram for tool tips, more home improvement and simple building projects.